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Financial Rewards | Real Estate Cash Rebate

Home Purchase/Sale Cash Rebate

By using CHT SMARTMOVE®, you earn cash rebates every time you buy or sell real estate.

Refer to the chart on the right to calculate your estimated rebate.

This program is available to members nationwide, although rebates are prohibited in some states: Non-Rebate States

Important: In order to receive your benefit you must enroll with the program PRIOR to contacting a Real Estate Agent. Please refer to Who’s Eligible for more information.

*Homesale listing rebate is based upon a minimum real estate commission of 6%. If less than 6%, your rebate will be reduced pro-rata and will be less than shown in the chart.

*In some cases rebates on new construction purchases may be different than published.

Your Cash Rebate can be calculated using the following:

(Sales Price) x (Buy/Sell Commission %) x 20% = Cash Rebate

Use the form below to calculate your Cash Rebate:

Calculate Your Real Estate Cash Rebate

Rebates may not be used as a down payment and is subject to lender and seller approval.

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